Our lab places high value on engagement with the public, including K-12 groups, local non-profits, and industry, embracing the concept of the Wisconsin Idea. Past projects have including participation in the Madison Metropolitical School District middle school science mentoring program, development of a summer field course for high school and community college students of the Menominee Nation tribe, talks to communities across the state, and advisory service on boards of several organizations.
Featured outreach collaborations
Professional Development Presentations and Resources
When will you be on TV, Dr. Weather? Preparing for the post-PhD career
Articles on finding/being a post-doc
Earth Science Jobs Network List
Some Lesser Known Truths About Academe
Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences
Tips for early career researchers
The importance of stupidity in scientific research
Time Management
Graduate School
Self questionnaire: Do I want to get a graduate degree in AOS?
What is required for going to AOS Graduate Program
AOS graduate student reporting form
Grad School's Poicy Guide - authoritative source on just about every policy that applies to you
AdvanceGEO resources for harassment in academia
Modest Advice For New Graduate Students from UW-Madison
Modest Advice to Grad Students from Stearns Lab
Acycnical rebuttal to modest advice
On Being a Successful Student in the SciencesThe Professor Is In
Perspectives from an editor on publishing and reviewing in the atmospheric and oceanic sciences
Practical guide to writing by Ryan McEwan
Writing a useful manuscript review by Josh Schimel
Outreach in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Fearlessly Finding Fellowship and Future Funding For Fame and Fortune
Guide to scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships at UW and externally
Interested in having Ankur give a talk?
We love giving talks and visiting classrooms to share our science! Click below to learn more about scheduling a talk or visit.

Past Outreach projects
Forest and Climate Leaders In Menominee And The Environment (For-CLIMATE)

With funding from the National Science Foundation, my lab and the Center for Climatic Research, in partnership with the Kemp Natural Resources Station, and with consultation from the Wisconsin Alliance for Minority Participation (WiscAMP), collaborated with the College of Menominee Nation (CMN) to provide educational opportunities in global change field research for college and high school students on the Menominee Nation and surrounding tribes.
CMN is an accredited 2-yr tribal college in the Menominee Nation, Keshena, WI The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin have been pioneers in the development of sustainable forestry techniques and consequently CMN offers AA degree programs in Natural Resources, Sustainable Development, and Biology & Physical Sciences. The purpose of this course was to provide greater exposure to careers in global change and ecosystem research via inquiry-based projects at Desai lab field sites, and attempt to interest some to pursue baccalaureate and graduate degrees in the sciences.