Ecometeorology Lab

Data Portal

Our lab specializes in long-term, ecosystem-atmosphere observations of carbon, energy, and water fluxes. We study micrometeorology and atmospheric boundary layers, in particular using eddy covariance flux towers. Our data are used to build ecological and atmospheric models. These models, in turn, improve decision-making around the management of land, air, and water resources.

We share our data and models freely and in near real-time, believing that team science is our greatest hope for grand solutions to grand environmental challenges.

For questions about data use, please contact me >>


Here is our simple data policy:

Any data you can access here was collected with public funding and thus belong to the public domain. Thus, all data and code that can be accessed here are available for you to view, download, and use in your own scholarship. You are under no obligation to seek permission.

We do kindly ask that you contact us and inform us of your intentions, mostly because we like to hear (and tell our funding agencies) about how our data are being used, keep track of citations, provide advice on analyses or draft manuscripts, and maybe even develop a collaboration, especially if there is strong overlap with our own existing research.

In limited cases, there may be a request for more involvement, which could lead to co-authorship - but this is not a requirement for use of our data. Some of the datasets include readme files or wiki pages that include citation and acknowledgment information. We request that you include those in your publications and presentations that use those datasets.

Large synthesis datasets from multi-investigator groups or derived datasets based on other people's observations may have separate data policies, which supersede these, except for the data contributed by our group, which remain public domain. If needed, we include those policies in the folders with the data.

You can download entire directories from http using the wget or curl utility.